Budget that mean is A leather bag. Basically all files related to budget is carried in a leather bag to Parliament. In India, every year budget is passed by the finance minister. A first day of February was witnessed for budget till 2016, but after, modi government changed this tradition, and now a last day of February month is preferred. Budget preparation ceremony is started with Halwa ceremony. Budget is prepared in North block where finance ministry is established. History journey. In India first budget was introduced by James Wilson on 7, April 1860 under British rule. But the first budget of independence India was recognized by the first finance minister, at that time, R.K.shanmukham chetty on Nov. 26, 1947. And first budget is also known as interim budget. Indira Gandhi was first Lady prime minister as well as finance minister who introduced budget in 1969. After her, Finance minister nirmala sitharaman again created history and added her name in this list, By int...
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