The upward curve and Doctors' attention.

after entering into the third week of lockdown, India sees suddenly rise in numbers and graph is going upward without giving some relief to people of country. On Thursday, 847 cases was seen highest in the previous days. Now it is making all the stakeholders of administration more and more responsible. The period of lockdown is going to end but It is yet to be seen that whether lockdown is extended. Now for the government, lives of people is more important not their livelihood. Once we get over the virus, all the people of country will make effort to restrengthen our economy but now the lives are more important.
The main thing which annoys the doctors, is personal protective equipment also known as PPE, are not being provided with full strength of the doctors at a particular hospital. In telangana, doctors were told to use N95 mask for next 15 days. And in Indore, two Doctors have been died from corona virus. In Delhi Gangaram hospital, around 108 health staffs were quarantined. One side government are providing health insurance and financial aid to kin of victims but other side it is not able to provide enough PPE to doctors. If the doctors (life savior) are  getting infected and their lives are putting in battle without warfare, then who will treat patients. it is unavoidable demand, so government must fulfill it.


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