Concern of testing in India.

The war against the corona virus is worsening day by day. In lockdown 2.0, India witnesses larger numbers of cases on each day. The efforts to flatten the curve is indeed important as well. All the globe looking at the India's effort and its policy to contain corona virus at lower numbers of cases than other superpower and well medical equipped countries. although the lockdown helps to break the chain of virus, but it doesn't provide the cristal clear image of current evolving situation. Lockdown may be successful if it is combined by more and more testing. Though India is testing and its numbers is increasing day by day, but it is not enough if it happens for longer time at this pace. India has to scale up its capacity to test people day by day at larger pace, if we want to end lockdown by may 3, because it will provide a clear picture of epidemic. Some States, like Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Kerala, and Delhi, are testing very well and the testing ratio to their one ...